Our Services

SIERC combines deep research capabilities with a proven ability to deliver. The result is clear, persuasive communication that will meet and exceed your expectations – whatever the context.

Executive And Senior Management Communications & Consulting

SIERC specializes in handling intellectual, research and public relations challenges that require judgment, sophistication and an understanding of audiences. We put our experience to work on providing definitive briefings on complex subjects. We develop presentations, speeches and op-ed pieces that aim at establishing thought leadership for senior executives and competitive advantage for the organizations they lead.

Corporate, Public And Institutional Memory

SIERC has an industry-leading track record in leading examinations of corporate, public and institutional memory. The depth and integrity of our research is the foundation. The articles, books, private reports and other documents that emerge from this work are used for a variety of purposes – to aid in decision-making, to train management and emerging leaders, to help executives understand and navigate corporate culture, to engage and educate specialized audiences, to foster leadership development and to inform the broader public.

Organizational Research

Our research capabilities come from years of experience examining, analyzing, distilling and making sense of hundreds of thousands of documentary and archival records across public, private and corporate contexts across a variety of subjects. Our experience spans the North Atlantic world, including the USA, the UK, Europe and Canada. Our rigorous training and experience with research design and complexity has allowed us to evolve the SIERC Method of research and analysis. Our experience and track record has allowed us to become a premier player in this field.

Training, Coaching And Development

SIERC has extensive experience helping management and staff enhance the strategic, critical thinking and communication skills of individuals and teams. SIERC associates have experience in the classrooms and seminars of MBA schools, university graduate, and undergraduate programs, as well as in corporate training in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors. All of our associates also have advanced degrees.

Let us put our superior research and communications capabilities to work for you.